Most business professionals spend more time than they’d like to admit honing their elevator talk so they’re prepared to deliver it clearly and professionally. But, have you ever noticed that most elevator talks sound better than they work?
Most business professionals spend more time than they’d like to admit honing their elevator talk so they’re prepared to deliver it clearly and professionally. But, have you ever noticed that most elevator talks sound better than they work?
Have you noticed that some people take much longer to return your calls than others? That’s usually caused by one or more of the five fatal voicemail flaws.
What would happen to your business if your clients loved you? How about if your clients knew you loved them? You may have a few clients like this, but the odds are it’s a very small percentage of your total customer base. The odds are most of your customers are merely satisfied. According to “Why… Read more »
The truth is the truth is the truth. And, yet there are times when the believability of the truth is determined by factors other than the content of the message. Think of a time when you told the truth but weren’t believed, when your credibility was suspect, when, try as you might, you just weren’t… Read more »